QBRITS Additional services
QBRITS Base Service is designed to take care of your basic IT needs, and for many of you entrepreneurs will the base package cover all your IT. But because QBRITS is of the opinion that “one size does not fit all” have we developed our Additional Services.
To evaluate and compare various IT services against each other is a huge task that we want to spare our customers, and that is the reasons for our portfolio of additional services.
Additional services are products and services from different providers that we have tested and evaluated to fit small and medium-sized companies, and we have also negotiated price. What are the criteria we look at in the evaluation are described for each product category under Additional Services.
Additional services is normally ordered through , and billed by QBRITS, unless otherwise specified in the service description. A prerequisite to use our additional services is that you are a customer of us and is subscribing on our basic service.
We are also very interested in tips and suggestions for software and services that you think is missing in QBRITS product line, and will happily receives these proposals via our contact page.
Additional Services Tips & SuggestionsWe know IT