With Speedledger is connected with your internet bank and can therefore do a lot of your accounting automatically. When you enter a bill in the internet bank for payment, it will automatically be recorded in you account system as an account payable and when the payment is made it will also be reccorder in the books. Similarly, if you send out invoices so will the beeokeeping be down in the background. Speedledger naturally support both the bill and the cash method (kontant- och fakturametoden).
Spedledger can be considered expensive if revenue is low, however Speedledger requires virtually no knowledge of debits and credits, and almost everything is done automatically. It can simplify your bookkeeping significantly. The normal accounting functions Invoicing, ROT / RUT, Earnings / VAT report is available as suplement.
Spedledger support the follwoing Banks:
Danish Bank
Sparbanken Syd
Landshypotek Bank
Swedbank and the savings banks
Speedledger ordered directly from their website, QBRITS customers currently have no extra discount.
If you are familiar with accounting and know the difference between Kredit and Debit than is Hogia smart Bokföring a cost effectiv tool for your company.